Privacy Policy

Privacy Protocol for

At, available through, one of our principal priorities is the confidentiality of our guests. This Documentation on Privacy encompasses varieties of data collected and documented by and how it’s utilized.

Should you possess supplementary inquiries or necessitate further details regarding our Privacy Protocol, don’t hesitate to make contact with us.

This Privacy Protocol solely applies to our online undertakings and remains valid for visitors to our portal regarding the data they distribute and/or compile on This protocol isn’t pertinent to any data compiled offline or via different platforms apart from this portal.


By availing our portal, you herewith authorize our Privacy Protocol and consent to its clauses.

Data Compilation

The individual data you’re urged to furnish, and the causes for which you’re entreated to furnish it, will be unequivocally elucidated at the juncture we solicit your individual data.

Should you directly reach out to us, we may obtain supplementary data about you like your designation, electronic mail address, phone number, the substance of the message and/or adjuncts you may forward us, and any other data you may elect to impart.

Upon enrollment for an Account, we may solicit your contact particulars, embracing entities such as name, firm designation, domicile, electronic mail address, and telephone number.

How We Utilize Your Data

We harness the data we gather in sundry manners, including but not restricted to:

  • Provision, functioning, and perpetuation of our portal
  • Enhancement, customization, and extension of our portal
  • Cognizance and scrutiny of your utilization of our portal
  • Conception of innovative commodities, amenities, attributes, and functionality
  • Correspondence with you, whether promptly or through one of our affiliates, encompassing but not restricted to customer service, furnishing you with updates and alternative data concerning the portal, and for marketing and promotional objectives
  • Dissemination of electronic mails
  • Detection and preclusion of deception

Log Records follows a customary procedure of resorting to log records. These records log guests when they access portals. All hosting enterprises execute this, and it constitutes a fragment of hosting amenities’ analytics. The data assembled through log records include internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser variant, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date and time stamp, referring/exit pages, and conceivably the count of clicks. These aren’t interlinked with any data that is individually identifiable. The intent of the data is for assessing trends, administering the portal, tracking users’ movement on the portal, and gathering demographic data.

Google DoubleClick DART Cookie

Google acts as one of the third-party dealers on our portal. It similarly deploys cookies, recognized as DART cookies, to dispense ads to our portal guests grounded upon their sojourn to and other portals on the internet. Nonetheless, visitors have the option to rebuff the usage of DART cookies by visiting the Google advertisement and content network Privacy Protocol at the ensuing URL –

Our Advertisement Affiliates

Certain advertisers on our portal may utilize cookies and web beacons. Our advertising affiliates are enlisted below. Each of our advertising affiliates maintains its own Privacy Protocol concerning its protocols on user data. For expedient access, we have hyperlinked to their Privacy Protocols below.


Privacy Protocols of Advertisement Affiliates

You can peruse this roster to ascertain the Privacy Protocol for each of the advertising affiliates of

Third-party ad servers or advertisement networks employ technologies like cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons that are employed in their respective advertisements and links manifesting on, which are transmitted directly to users’ browsers. They automatically secure your IP address when this transpires. These technologies are employed to quantify the efficacy of their advertisement campaigns and/or to individualize the advertisement content that you witness on portals that you access.

It’s noteworthy that has no ingress to or command over these cookies that are employed by third-party advertisers.

Privacy Protocols of Third Parties Privacy Protocol doesn’t pertain to other advertisers or portals. Consequently, we are suggesting you to peruse the pertinent Privacy Protocols of these third-party advertisement servers for more exhaustive information. It may encompass their practices and directives regarding how to opt-out of specific alternatives.

You have the liberty to deactivate cookies via your individual browser preferences. For more comprehensive information regarding cookie management with particular web browsers, it can be ascertained at the browsers’ pertinent portals.

CCPA Privacy Entitlements (Do Not Merchandise My Personal Data)

Under the CCPA, amidst other entitlements, California patrons possess the entitlement to:

  • Petition that an enterprise that compiles a patron’s individual data disclose the classifications and specific segments of personal data that an enterprise has compiled about patrons.
  • Petition that an enterprise expunge any personal data about the patron that an enterprise has compiled.
  • Petition that an enterprise that vends a patron’s personal data, refrain from vends the patron’s personal data.

Upon making a petition, we possess one month to respond to you. Should you desire to exercise any of these entitlements, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

GDPR Data Safeguarding Entitlements

We aspire to ensure that you’re completely apprised of all your data safeguarding entitlements. Each user is warranted the following:

  • The entitlement to access – You possess the entitlement to solicit copies of your personal data. We may levy a nominal fee for this amenity.
  • The entitlement to rectification – You possess the entitlement to petition that we rectify any data you believe is erroneous. You also possess the entitlement to petition that we finalize the data you believe is deficient.
  • The entitlement to erasure – You possess the entitlement to petition that we efface your personal data, under particular conditions.
  • The entitlement to restrict processing – You possess the entitlement to petition that we restrict the processing of your personal data, under particular conditions.
  • The entitlement to object to processing – You possess the entitlement to object to our processing of your personal data, under particular conditions.
  • The entitlement to data portability – You possess the entitlement to petition that we transmit the data that we have compiled to another organization, or directly to you, under particular conditions.

Upon making a petition, we possess one month to respond to you. Should you desire to exercise any of these entitlements, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Information Regarding Minors

An additional fragment of our priority is integrating safeguards for minors while employing the internet. We inspire parents and guardians to witness, partake in, and/or monitor and guide their online activity. doesn’t wittingly compile any Personal Identifiable Information from minors below the age of 13. Should you presume that your minor has imparted this class of data on our portal, we strongly encourage you to reach out to us immediately, and we will endeavor to promptly expunge such data from our records.

Alterations to This Privacy Protocol

We may revise

our Privacy Protocol periodically. Consequently, we advise you to peruse this page sporadically for any modifications. We will apprise you of any alterations by posting the new Privacy Protocol on this page. These modifications become operative instantly, subsequent to being posted on this page.

Contact Us

Should you possess any queries or suggestions regarding our Privacy Protocol, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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